Windchill Extension Manager - User Documentation


Name Description
Name Manager
Version 1.47
Updated 4th July 2024
Wex ID com.wincomplm.wex-manager


This application controls the extension behavior and allows extensions to be deployed and undeployed


  • List all the deployed extensions
  • Access all documentation
  • Deploy new extension
  • Undeploy of an extension (non-system)
  • Logging features of extension
  • Download logs
  • Non system admin access
  • Displays extension features

User Guide

Managing Extensions

All extensions will be shown in the Extension Manager that can be accessed from Site context and via the Quick Links menu

Site -> Extension Manager

It will show a line per extension installed


There are two type of extension, the applications that are always shown, and system extensions which can be shown using a control in the menu bar.

System extensions can be updated but cannot be undeployed.

Deploying a new Extensions

First download the extension from the Windchill Extension Center available here

Select the add extension icon from the interface and install the extensions

The application is ready use, please note some application required configuration before they can be used#### Undeploying an application

An application can be undeployed by selecting the undeploy action

Granting extension manager rights

Typically a site admin is allowed to deploy and undeploy extensions however by creating a group called


Users can be added to this group and will have right for all actions in the extension manager.

Stopping deployments

The server can have this env set to true


Which will stop any deployment taking place

Extension Info


This is the action icon that shows the status e.g. if the kernel has correctly load this extension and all the available features. This is will detail available shell and command lines plus other details such as methods that can be called from code such as workflows.

If the extension is not loaded the icon will not appear, if it is not active then the following icon appears


The tool tip will indicate the state of the extension



To report a bug on an extension or the system itself, support may require logs to be provided

Please use the following procedure

  1. Execute System Status from the diagnostics
  2. Switch on the log for the extension or extensions
  3. Execute a test case to demonstrate the issue
  4. Switch off the logging
  5. Select the download logs from the interface
  6. Send the logs and description of the problem to support


The system will be automatically updated when a new application is installed

The Windchill servers do not need to be restarted if an extension is deployed or undeployed

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Published date: 22/09/2019 8:29AM
Last updated: 04/07/2024 10:15AM ( -
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Author: Simon Heath (