Installing and Upgrading the Windchill Extension Platform

The Windchill Extension Platform Installer

The extension platform enables Windchill administrators to install and uninstall extensions.

The installer is a standalone application.

Note: It is possible to install using the installer on a system which already has a extension platform installed without affecting already installed extensions.

This may be done to upgrade the kernel or to repair a damaged installation.

Installation procedure

First, download the platform installer from the Windchill Extension Center.

Login your PTC support account:


In the download dialog, select the correct Windchill version and click on “Manage Platform”:


You can then download the installer.

Note: All CPS and product configurations are supported.


The installer is a simple application:


You are only asked to agree to a license and confirm the location of the Windchill installation.


The installation process takes 1-2 minutes. However, you will be asked to restart the servers after the installation is completed.


Note: The installer is compatible with all operation systems.

First Install on Windchill 11.x

After the install the admin must visit this page to install the menus



Issue 1: No GUI available to install

If your server does not have a GUI available to run the installer, you may use the -console as follows:


Java must be available to run the installer, and it is recommended to use a Windchill shell.

Note: The installer may also be run in unattended mode

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Published date: 02/08/2019 12:46PM
Last updated: 24/05/2023 1:14PM ( -
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Author: dkanalec (