How to: Extension Admin user


Name Description
Author Ellis Douglas
Name How to: Extension Admin user
Version 1.0
Categories [doc][wex]


This article will describe the functionalities of the user Extension Admin and the capabilities.

Logging into the Extension Admin

Upon platform installation two users are created, nonWex and wex. wex is the Extension Admin user who is capable of deploying and undeploying Extensions, low-level configuration of the Extensions, as well as reviewing the User Guide.

To log in, please use the credentials set up by the platform for the wex (Extension Admin)

Extension Admin capabilities


Extension Admins can deploy extensions using the toolbar in the Extension Manager.


Extension Admins can view user guides for Extensions.


Extension Admins can undeploy extensions from the Extension Manager.


Extension Admins can configure at a low-level, meaning if there is any configuration that contains low risk of security or impact, they may do so. If there are no configurable options available for the Extension Admin, a window will show with information that No configurable options are available.


Extension Admin limits

Extension Admins cannot:

  • Configure Extensions at a high-level
  • Review Admin guides and Licences
  • Access Diagnostics or view System Extensions
  • Download logs via the Extension Manager toolbar
  • Access Cluster via the Extension Manager toolbar
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Published date: 06/03/2025 4:25PM
Last updated: 10/03/2025 2:17PM ( -
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